Monday 27 July 2015

Diabetes and Your Mouth # 2: Control Diabetes to Keep Your Smile

Well-controlled diabetes contributes to a healthy mouth. If you have poorly controlled or high blood sugar, your risk increases for dry mouth, gum disease, tooth loss, and fungal infections like thrush. Since infections can also make blood sugar rise, your diabetes may become even harder to control. Keeping your mouth healthy can help you manage your blood sugar.

The above article is from:

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Monday 20 July 2015

Diabetes and Your Mouth # 1 : 4 Signs You May Have a Problem

Diabetes puts you at risk for dental problems. It impairs the ability to fight bacteria in your mouth. Having high blood sugar encourages bacteria to grow and contributes to gum disease. You may have gum disease if you have:

  • Gums that are red, sore, bleeding, or swollen, or that pull away from your teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Chronic bad breath
  • An irregular bite or dentures that don't fit well

The above article is from:

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Thursday 9 July 2015

Dental Root Canal Treatment

Senior Dental Care Cedar Point NC 28584

Saving a Tooth with Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth has damaged or infected roots, the best treatment to save a tooth is a root canal. In times past, a tooth with this problem was extracted. But it has been proven that saving a tooth, if at all possible, is important to avoid other dental problems.

Dr. Gentry is experienced in this procedure and has successfully saved and returned many teeth to full functionality once again. The pulp within the interior of the tooth is removed, and a special filling material replaces it. Sometimes a crown is also placed over the tooth for additional strength.

No longer is this procedure painful and something patients want to avoid. With modern anesthetics and advanced techniques, patients find it very manageable.

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Monday 6 July 2015

Children's Dentistry

Children's Dentistry Cedar Point NC 28584

Advanced Care for Your Child's Dental Health

Dr. Gentry's young patients enjoy coming to their dental check-ups and treatments, as she puts them at ease to make them feel comfortable. She use the latest treatments in children's dentistry and delivers them with compassion and thoughtful care.

Our team enjoys teaching children how to care for their teeth and lets them know that proper care will let them keep their permanent teeth for a lifetime. We enjoy their first visit at age three, and every year thereafter as they grow and change.

We want all children to feel comfortable with dental care. Whether they are scared or active, we help them feel relaxed in our care. Our parents have been very pleased that we can change their kids' minds about coming to the dentist. If you have a child that has anxiety, we can help.

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Thursday 2 July 2015

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry Cedar Point NC 28584

Be Relaxed and Comfortable for Every Type of Treatment

We are compassionate with our dentally challenged patients and those who are anxious just sitting in a dental chair. We are pleased to be able to help these patients with conscious sedation dentistry that will allow them to be comfortable and relaxed for their dental care.

By simply taking one pill about an hour prior to your appointment, you will begin to relax and feel calm. As you sit in the dental chair, your relaxation progresses to a deeper level. You are not completely unconscious, just unaware of the procedure taking place. You can still answer questions that the doctor may ask. All vital signs are monitored throughout your treatment, and after your work is completed, someone drives you back home. In about an hour, you are completely alert again.

Some patients have an even greater fear of becoming unconscious. It is important to know you are not completely out as for surgery. You are just unaware of the work being performed. Conscious sedation provides a happy medium of feeling calm while still being in control.

This also works well for those who have difficulty becoming numb with regular anesthesia. And for those who don't have the time to return for multiple visits to complete all the necessary dental work, this allows them to have all their treatments in one visit.

We also offer the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) for those who just need lighter sedation. (Coming Soon!)

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784