Saturday 28 November 2015

Three Oral Hygiene Tips for Men

When it comes to personal oral hygiene, not all men are as attentive to their teeth as women. Starting with the checkup, surveys suggests men are more likely to see a dentist only in the event of a problem. So, guys, learn how to step up your oral care routine with the following tips for maintaining a healthy smile and preventing oral health problems before they start.

Toothbrush Tips
Brushing is just one part of keeping your mouth clean - doing so twice a day, in particular. However, the average man brushes his teeth 1.9 times a day, according to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). It's not enough to brush quickly and be on your way; two minutes of thorough cleaning is your most effective approach. Keep in mind you don't need to brush hard during this process. Use a soft-bristled brush such as Colgate® Slim Soft™ and brush gently at a 45-degree angle.

Some helpful hints: Replace your toothbrush every three to four months, rinse it after each use and store it in an upright position to air dry. Storing it in a container actually allows microorganisms to grow on the brush, explains the American Dental Association (ADA), so it's best to avoid this method.

Sports and Dental Injuries
Playing contact sports can lead to trauma in unexpected places, and this includes broken, chipped or lost teeth. Wear a mouthguard when you're on the field and a helmet when you're on your bike. Ultimately, see your dentist as soon as possible after experiencing an incident to quickly assess the damage and determine what can be done to fix it.

To read the entire article written by Margie Monin Dombrowski, please visit 

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Tobacco Risks on Oral Health

Learn what the American Dental Association has to say about tobacco risks on oral health.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Reasons to Replace a Missing Tooth

Losing a Tooth Alters More Than Your Smile

Whatever the reason for losing a tooth, missing just one tooth can have an effect on your facial appearance and speech as well as your ability to chew and absorb the most nutrients from your food. Chewing properly helps in the digestive process, and having missing teeth does not allow you to chew your food as you should. Multiple missing teeth may cause you to choose softer, possibly less nutritious foods, which can result in unwanted weight gain.
Your face may take on a sunken look, both due to the spaces and the bone loss that begins as soon as teeth are lost. This may age your appearance. Spaces can also affect the way you talk, which can be an embarrassment.
We advise dental implants for missing teeth, whether they are in the front or back. They look natural and function perfectly. No one can tell they are not your natural teeth, and they will recapture a beautiful smile.

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Saturday 21 November 2015

A New Year's You: Dental Health Resolutions

Your dental health is an important part of your overall wellness, and the New Year is a great time to create resolutions for improving your health. Many people have dental health resolutions that range from improving their toothbrushing habits to completing delayed dental treatment. Understanding the benefits of your particular resolutions can be motivating and rewarding. Whatever your goals might be, it is important to take small steps to achieve them. Consistency is key with any resolution that you make.

Improving Toothbrushing and Flossing Habits
Perhaps you would like to improve your oral health. Daily toothbrushing and flossing is a sure and simple way to improve your oral health. For successful bacterial plaque removal, it is important to brush at least twice a day using an appropriately sized, soft-bristle, manual or electric toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. When you brush your teeth, gently position the toothbrush bristles at a 45-degree angle toward the gumline and move the toothbrush across the teeth to effectively remove bacterial plaque. It is also important to floss at least once per day to remove bacterial plaque and food that has accumulated throughout the day. Your toothbrush should be replaced every 3 to 4 months, as well as after you have a cold or flu or if the bristles are frayed. Daily toothbrushing and flossing help to prevent gingivitis (gum disease), tooth decay and halitosis (bad breath). The daily use of antimicrobial and fluoride mouthrinses also helps to improve your oral health.

To read the entire article written by Yolanda Eddis, please visit

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Learn what the American Dental Association has to say about regular dental check-ups.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Relief From Dental Treatments

Relief from Numbness after Treatment

After a treatment is completed, numbness in the mouth and lips often continues for 3 to 5 hours. Difficulties when talking or eating occur that some patients would like to be rid of as soon as they are out of the dental chair. With OraVerse™, we can reverse the "fat lip" feeling in about 15 minutes. This amazing product lets you return to normal without having to endure the uncomfortable feeling of numbness.

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Saturday 14 November 2015

After-Hours Emergency Dentistry

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to about after-hours emergency dentistry.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Dental Implants

A Full Smile with Dental Implants

We highly recommend recapturing a complete smile with placement of dental implants. No matter where the gaps are located or how many teeth you have missing, these implants will provide full chewing capabilities and look just like real teeth. They come up through the gums, instead of sitting on top of them, which give them a very realistic appearance. It is as if you grew new teeth!
Those without any teeth can benefit, as they will be permanent. No longer will denture wearers have to deal with the problems of loose and slipping dentures that make for difficult chewing and embarrassing moments when speaking.
We conveniently handle the entire process for you, from post implant to crown fabrication and bonding the teeth in place. So there is no need for referral to another office.

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Are You Flossing Or Just Lying About Flossing? The Dentist Knows

There's nothing like jamming a waxed piece of string between your tightest molars and sliding it back and forth. And who doesn't do that once a day, just as the dentist prescribes?

Well, a lot of us. Twenty-seven percent of adults lie to their dentists about how often they floss their teeth, a survey released Tuesday found. Not only that, but more than a third of people surveyed would rather be doing unpleasant chores than flossing their teeth daily. Fourteen percent would rather clean the toilet. Nine percent would rather sit in gridlock traffic for an hour. And 7 percent would rather listen to small children crying on a plane.

Actually, that 27 percent sounds awfully low. When we called up Dr. Joan Otomo-Corgel, a periodontist and president of the American Academy of Periodontology, which conducted the survey, she said: "Is that all?"
More than a third of Americans would rather do an unpleasant activity than floss.
American Academy of Periodontology

She's not the only oral health professional who thinks many patients are fibbing when they say they're flossing. "I am shocked," says Dr. Sally Cram, a periodontist and spokesperson for the American Dental Association, via email. "Given my experience with patients in my practice I thought it would be higher!"

To read the entire article written by Jessie Rack, please visit

SeaSide Dentistry 
Donna M. Gentry, DDS 
1165 Cedar Point Blvd, Suite P 
Cedar Point, NC 28584 
(252) 764-2784